Sunday, 9 October 2011

.... Friday 7th October

..... Wow! What a weird day yesterday! I had to go to work and pretend to be 'normal' all day long, when I wanted to run around like a loon. I didn't get much work done as I was in such a flap all day!
Felt a bit sick and dizzy but couldn't work out if it was the pregnancy or just nervous excitement! 

I woke up this morning and decided to test again... just to make sure. 

Yep, the line is still there. It's still faint, but it is there!! 

I decided to make a Dr's appointment for Tuesday. This is the only day where Leo is at preschool and i'm not in work, so it had to be then. The Dr's receptionist was a bit 'off' with me and tried to tell me a Dr would call me back. Errr.... no! I want to see someone please!! Managed to get an appointment anyway. 10.40, but at a different surgery to my  local one. 
I have 4 main things to discuss:
1) My fears around what happened to my sister.
2) My work and what i need to be aware of with heavy lifting etc. Maybe some advice as to if i should confide in my boss or not.
3)  My weight and fitness. I was still losing weight and working out up until i got my BFP. i want some advice as to what I should do now. I'm still overweight (although no longer obese! yay!) but obviously shouldn't lose weight in pregnancy. I just want to be healthy!
4) What to do next regarding midwife appointment etc.

Hubby is over the moon! He is trying not to get too excited incase the pregnancy doesn't work out. But he is delighted, I can tell!  :)

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