Thankfully I got a good sleep last night. A full 9 hour sleep! I didn't even get up for a wee! lol. I woke up feeling refreshed and happy. I had one more pregnancy test in the drawer so i decided to do it this morning to hopefully reassure myself. I'm glad I did. It really did make me feel so much better. The line was SO strong. look:

Anyway, I got myself and Leo washed and dressed for the day and then went downstairs for breakfast. I made Leo his favourite - peanut butter on toast, and it looked so good i decided to have the same myself. I made 2 pieces of toast and a cup of tea, and wolfed the lot down. But then thought i was gonna puke the whole lot up again. Oops, I didn't though and thankfully the nausea faded as the morning went on.
I took Leo to the Odeon in Taunton to see Cars 2 (again), he is really into going to the cinema at the moment and i thought it would be a nice thing for him to do that wouldn't require me to use much energy! lol. I took him to McDonalds for lunch after the cinema, then we had a trip to Mothercare to look at new car seats for Leo. I had a sneaky little look at all the baby stuff while I was there. Moses baskets, cribs, bedding, teeny tiny baby clothes.... it was all so exciting!!! I even got excited looking at bottles and sterilisers! I know it's still early days, but I am allowing myself to get a bit excited now. I was so terrified the whole time I was pregnant with Leo and when I look back now, I really wish I could have enjoyed it a bit more. So I am trying to cherish every moment and just hope for the best. Once i get past that 12 week scan i will allow myself to buy things, but until then I feel like I might be jinxing it.
I spoke to hubby last night about the possibility of an early scan. He thinks I should go for it, but then he doesn't worry about money like i do, and to be totally honest i would rather put the money towards a 4d scan later in the pregnancy. I had one when pregnant with Leo and it was THE most AMAZING experience. Hhmmm .... it's tricky. I would love to have an early scan, it would make me feel SO much more at ease about everything..... but ....... oh I dunno!
Getting excited about our holiday to Newquay next week. It's long overdue and we all really need it. I can't wait!! I just hope I don't feel TOO terrible the whole time. Although, I guess having a 3 year old is a good excuse to go back to the caravan and have an early night.
Leo is being an absolute angel today! I love him so much. He never even had a tantrum when i refused to buy him any of the 10,000 'Cars' related toys and books he picked up in Mothercare. I treated him to a Bart Simpson gingerbread biscuit in Sainsburys and he looked like all his Christmases had come at once. Bless him!
I'm really hungry at the moment. I am trying to do the 'little and often' thing as it stops me feeling so sick. I bought myself some cinema style popcorn to eat tonight whilst watching the X Factor. ROCK and ROLL!!! ;)
Yep, today is a good day! :)
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