Monday, 31 October 2011

... First Midwife appointment

So, my first midwife appointment went ok. 

First off, she was lovely! Which really helps. Leo entertained himself well with the box of toys and the bag of mini cheddars i took for him. He had no idea what we were talking about thankfully. 

I told her my history and then my sister's history which made me cry (again!!). She was very understanding and could see why I was so anxious about my blood pressure. 

We went through all the usual stuff and she told me about my options of where to give birth (Exeter or Taunton - both over a 30 min drive away! Eek!)

I totally forgot to ask anything i wanted to. I was SO nervous. And she actually referred to me TWICE as an "anxious lady". 

She looked up my blood tests on her computer and they all came back fine. Apparently my iron  levels  are very healthy which is good. The only minor thing was when they did my blood grouping test, it came back with a minor abonormailty thingy (didn't really understand but they said it was nothing to worry about and it just has to be repeated at  12 weeks). 

She phoned up and booked my 12 week scan for 1st December. Then when I told her about my bleeding and how worried i am she said she would book me in for an early scan. She called up but they were closed so she is going to do it first thing in the morning. She said it's usually within a couple of days so i should get it for Wed or Thu. I'm really nervous but can't wait. I just want to know one way or another. The not knowing is killing me. 

Keeping everything firmly crossed until then. 

K. xxx


  1. I'm really glad you like her, its a huge thing to have someone you feel you can talk to. Did she take your BP?
    Let us know about the scan so we can send good wishes!!

  2. Oh blimey! I forgot to add the most important bit. She took my blood pressure and it was significantly lower. The bottom number is the one they were worried about and it was 82 compared to the 90/91/92 it was last time. So i was thrilled with that!

    K. xxx
