Friday, 14 October 2011

.... 5+3. Lots of moans and rambles!

Knackered!! Good lord, I haven't felt this knackered in ages. And the worst thing?? Not being able to moan about it!!  lol. Well .... I can at home of course, so poor hubby is getting a right earful at the moment.

I had my blood tests at the Dr's this morning. What a bloody nightmare that was. I went in and Phlebotomist said to me "So, what tests are we doing today then?" and i was like "uuummm I dunno, you tell me!". Turns out the Dr I saw on Tuesday hadn't put in my notes what blood tests needed to be done, and I didn't know. I explained the story and she assumed it was just the normal pregnancy bloods that needed doing but then when I mentioned that I had been told to fast for 12 hours she then realised that it wasn't just normal pregnancy bloods.

I am a total nightmare to get blood from and it always has to come from my hand. Thankfully she didn't even try from my arm and went straight for the back of the hand, and got it on the second try. God, my hand is sore now though.

Am rather annoyed that after leaving a message on the Midwive's voicemail saying that i needed to make an urgent appointment, nobody has returned my call!! FFS! I'd pissed off at that even if it WASN'T  urgent.

Gonna call again tomorrow I think, or perhaps I should wait until Monday.

My nausea seems to have faded a bit, which of course has made me panic. But i still have the tiredness and tender boobs, and I guess I just 'feel' pregnant so i'm trying not to get TOO worried. Can't believe i have 7 weeks to wait until my 12 weeks scan though, its' gonna feel like a lifetime away. I am so tempted to book in for a private early scan but £70 is a lot money really. And I guess it won't change anything.

Feeling anxious about the blood pressure thing. I keep getting very dizzy and am not sure if this is connected. Everything i bend down to pick something up (which I do about 1000 times a day!) i get a major head rush and sometimes feel like i'm gonna pass out. Guess I should mention that to the midwife when I see her.

Oh, I told my boss yesterday. I thought it was only fair to let her know what was going on, as i may well be taking time off for appointments and stuff now. Plus, I would probably tell her if I miscarry anyway. She was, as always, very supportive and said its fine if i need to swap hours around at work to allow for appointments etc. She was thrilled for me, but obviously understands that it's still early days.
It was nice to tell somebody though. Made it feel more ...... real! :)

Sorry for all the moans! Will try and be more positive tomorrow. Neeeed sleeeep....... zzzzzzzzzz

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